Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How we choose to look at situations

How we choose to look at a situation ultimately determines how we will react emotionally to the experience.  Our thoughts create perception and our actions create habits.  We want to rise above a situation, we don't want to be held prisoner in our own heads but yet we always catch ourselves slipping to the forbidden room.

It's a daily challenge to start with yourself, actively participate in deciding what you will allow to affect you as a person on a daily basis.  For me it's not to let other people's talking / gossiping / discussions get the better of me. It's not about what they say about you that matters, especially if they don't know you, it's more about them, what others say about you says more about them than its does you. 

With taking on my new job challenge, I also challenge myself in my apprearnce, my etiquette, my attitude and how o present myself, this is a choice I made for me to better my ability to be able to play with the high rollers.  When one does these thin, you somehow get criticized by others and you run the risk of allowing that negativity to penetrate your positive attributes you have worked so hard on.

So going back to the start of all of this, your thoughts control your reactions, you open that universal door for the once feared feelings of being made vulnerable or you can embrace it and learn to grow a thick skin, soldier on and being the best version of you that you can be to make the situation benefit you.

Not everyone drinks tea and not everyone drinks coffee, you won't always and sometimes never fit another persons mound but that is not for your carry on your shoulders. You hom out and be the best person you can be, so good, focus on your best atribites and spread your wings and fly.

Sometimes individuals set you up to fail and that to me makes the challenge a bit more appealing, firstly they want to see you fall on your face and run tail between legs out of there and then there is the other side who just waits to see your whole work experience blow up in your face.  These people are bullies and they never change but you can change how you feel about them and react to them.  

My advice is simple, put your best outfit on, paint your face and do your hair, feel good and then take some silent time to praise our father God and ask him to guide you through this time of growth and that you may not lose sight of what is important for your goals to be reached.

Always do good, focus on being your best version of you and ignore the gossip, it's not work your worrying about it.


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