I have been praying and begging for an answer, I was kicking up dust and forcing my right for instant gratification to take over, never quite really giving God a chance to reveal his bigger plan to me. So I let my emotions run wild, felt everything that I could've spared myself to feel and played the victim. What I failed to realize is that God does not work on our time or at our pace. And I am so grateful for that. You see I've come to be so grateful for where I am and what I've been through.
The saying "holding onto anger is like drinking the poison and expecting the other person to die" I was dying, so in order to change that, I let go, I'm not going to allow myself to get angry or upset, to let another person take control of my happiness, I forgave them for what they did, are doing or will do.
No bad words towards another will pass over my lips, yup, I will only speak good of others and if I can't then I'll keep quiet. Words are powerful and what you speak into the universe you manifest.
It doesn't mean because one relationship ended, another cant be created. Allow yourself to feel, to fall in love and to be happy. Never once in my life did I ever expect to be happy to share the 3 people I have fought so hard to be mine. To share a part of you with others is to experience life and love to the fullest.
Sometimes losing everything can teach us to have a better appreciation and perspective on life. It's better to lose material things than the people who are helping and supporting you. Also losing everything is not there to break you, it's there to make you realize just what you have to be grateful for.
We chose a line of work and we think for years that that is where we are supposed to be and then you start praying and let God take the reigns and direct your life, you come to realize that maybe the change was always there and you just never let God take control and guide you.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Be humble, be grateful and most of all be mindful. You can make someone's day or you can ruin their spirit. Love, love, love!!! Be comfortable with being alone, by yourself.
You don't need another person to be happy, you don't need them to complete you, you are capable of doing that yourself. Happiness comes from within, it's nice to be happy with someone else but when that person leaves, you should be happy to move forward without being codependent.
Enjoy the people in your life, sometimes friends become family and family leaves, appreciate the ones who want to be there, who celebrate your successes and mourn your losses and most of all accept help, it's one of the most freeing feelings and experiences one can have.
Have faith, believe in God and your religion. Find others of the same likes and thinking, spend time with them and grow with them.
Accept another for not sharing your same beliefs, just because they are different doesn't mean they are wrong, we can learn a level of tolerance from those people and we can teach them acceptance from our part.
Gratitude, be grateful. You are doing the best you and what you have is enough.
Thank you, Thank you to all the people who played key parts in my life, the last 9 months have been a great path of discovery and learning, acceptance and appreciation. I am even more grateful for the relationships that were formed, rebuilt and let go of. Thank you for everything.
Your life is what you have now, make the most of it.
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