How much can a person possibly handle in their lives. I have heard everything from "what doesnt kill you makes you stronger" to "God only gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers" or my best "Tomorrow is another day", well you know what - I have probably done it all, seen it all and been there got the t-shirt and returned it. Live is hard, people should stop sugar coating it. I have had one of the most difficult years of mu life, I have had 2 loved ones die in a space of not even two months and you know whats the worst, people are not supportive or even give a damn, for them its easy to say "Sorry Chan - oh by the way can you do this or that". What has life come to? Are we programmed to be these compassionate-less robots.
I am not coping, I am struggling in all areas of my life and you know what, its damn hard and difficult. So when you have a bad day, come talk to me, your life will just seem that much better in the end.
Here's to praying for a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully its not an oncoming train.
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