This is my blog, some things I have written on here which I am not completely fond of or particularly feel proud about it but nevertheless I left it on here, the purpose for it all is to one day read it all from the beginning and see how I crew from a caterpillar to a butterfly. It all takes baby steps in the beginning, what I failed to write about was all the blessings. I am a christian, probably not the best christian or the most obedient one at times but I believe in my heart that God loves me.
I can tell you about all the instances that he was there and I just took it for granted but there are times now that are more relevant than the times before this blog transpired. The thing is, I know a lot of people aren't where I am spiritually and everyone has their own views on what they think / feel and want to believe in, I share this for those who are looking for more, who want to notice that miracle and is not ashamed that their "beliefs" cramp their style.
I am not here to convert anyone, I am basically just telling my story...
From losing everything, to slowly regaining everything. A job opportunity presented itself when I was desperately looking, I had to take a leap of faith and it worked in my favor. I finally moved into a bigger home, one where we werent all sharing a bed in my small one bedroom apartment but I thank God for those moments, they shaped me and made me more humble. I regained friendships lost and made new ones along the way. There were days I worried about not having enough food, days I worried that I might not make it through the month and every time that happened, a little miracle showed up.
I have been blessed with a car that can drive me to work and back, family that is there for me til the bitter end, a very satisfying job, a church I love, children that fill my heart with joy, food in my cupboards, blankets on my bed, warm water to bath in and most of all a God that keeps supplying even when I dont have the guts to ask.
When you looking for a miracle, just stop and think about what you needed most over the last couple of days and how you have somehow managed to get it, that is the biggest part of it all, noticing the unnoticed miracles around you.
I was asked today if I was happy and my answer to that was one that will keep me smiling to myself, "as long as other people are happy, then I am happy". I would rather see you smile then hurt, my boat will come one day but for now I am content.
Peace. Love and Happiness
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